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Health & Medicine News

June 10, 2024

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Adolescents with an internet addiction undergo changes in the brain that could lead to additional addictive behavior and tendencies, finds a new ...
Researchers have shown that members of the public have little trouble in learning very quickly how to use a third thumb -- a controllable, prosthetic extra thumb -- to pick up and manipulate objects. The team tested the robotic device on a diverse ...
About 79% of clinical trial participants experienced measurable improvement after receiving experimental, CRISPR-based gene editing that is designed to fix a rare form of blindness, according to a new ...
The health benefits of exercise are well known but new research shows that the body's response to exercise is more complex and far-reaching than previously thought. In a study on rats, a team of scientists has found that physical activity causes ...

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updated 9:27am EDT

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Severe chronic pancreatitis is treated by removing the pancreas. Without a pancreas, patients also lose insulin-producing cells called islets. To preserve insulin responses, surgeons transplant ...

By studying mutations in yeast and human cells, scientists say they have found that biochemical bonds between fats and proteins in the mitochondrion, the cell's powerhouse, play a crucial role ...

Where there's smoke, there's not always fire. Wildfire smoke drifted to nearly every lake in North America for at least one day per year from 2019 to 2021, found a UC Davis ...

Researchers have created digital babies to better understand infants' health in their critical first 180 days of life. The team created 360 advanced computer models that simulate the unique ...

One of the most confusing aspects for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus is that they have high fasting glucose levels. This is because in these insulin-resistant patients, glucose production by ...

Bioengineering is revolutionizing cancer research. This area of science integrates engineering and physical sciences with oncology to change how we understand and treat this complex ...

A team of researchers has developed a wirelessly activated device that mimics the wavelike muscular function in the esophagus and small intestine responsible for transporting food and viscous fluids ...

When we learn something new, our brain cells (neurons) communicate with each other through electrical and chemical signals. If the same group of neurons communicate together often, the connections ...

Biomedical engineers have developed a silk-based, ultrathin membrane that can be used in organ-on-a-chip models to better mimic the natural environment of cells and tissues within the body. When used ...

Researchers are developing a new therapeutic approach that uses nanoparticles for the treatment of skin and lung fibrosis, conditions that can result in severe damage to the body's ...

The role that Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) plays in the development of Multiple Sclerosis may be caused a higher level of cross-reactivity, where the body's immune system binds to the wrong target, ...

Some cancer drugs cause severe side effects because they are not working accurately enough. Biochemists have now discovered ...

Chemists have developed a strategy using disulfide-containing small molecules to facilitate the reversible control and delivery of ribonucleic acid (RNA). A research team has developed a method that ...

Little is yet known about the health effects of nanoparticles on pregnancy. An interdisciplinary team is currently analyzing the risks for babies in the womb. Using a lab model, the researchers were ...

Women with excess weight at age 14 or 31 may have increased ischemic (clot caused) stroke risk before age 55. The same ischemic stroke risk was not found in men. Losing excess weight after ...

In a major advance for the treatment of the deadly brain cancer glioblastoma, scientists used ultrasound technology to penetrate the blood-brain barrier and provide a small dose of a chemotherapy and ...

A searchable database is now ready to help study Alzheimer's disease. Neuroscience and biomedical informatics researchers have created the comprehensive, user-friendly ...

New research led by Lia Siegelman, a physical oceanographer at UC San Diego's Scripps Institution of Oceanography, shows that the roiling storms at the planet Jupiter's polar regions are ...

A lifesaving package including early detection and bundled treatment for women who have heavy bleeding during childbirth has been found to incur minimal additional cost according to new analysis from ...

A new study has revealed the hidden emotional challenges patients go through following tooth loss. Patients highlight feelings of self-consciousness, shame or fear as well as physical sensations such ...

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